Thursday, November 29, 2012

Modesty be Damned

        As some of you know I live in a small apartment with my husband and children. Some would say it is not too small (its a 4 bedroom 3 bath apt). However when you add five people a dog and cats to the mix, things get a bit tight. Anyways back to my story. As most of you know I am also a stay at home mom. I have three children. My oldest Gabriel is 12, my daughter Kathline is 10 and my youngest Tyler is 4. Obviously my two oldest are in school during the day.
        Me and Tyler have the house to ourselves all day and we enjoy each other company very much ( that is until he has a meltdown). Well giving the fact the he is 4 and he needs constant supervision I cant just simply leave him to fend for himself if I need to go take a shower or take the dog outside to use the bathroom. I cant even go to the bathroom without him following me in. If sure most of you can relate to that.
        So today I decided that I needed a shower ( it has been about 2 days since I had a one.) So I get up and pick up the mornings mess from breakfast and blankets from cartoon time and announce to Ty that I am going to take a shower. Now our routine is that he comes in there with me and plays on my phone while I take my time and really enjoy a hot shower.
         As I am taking my shower, I am hearing this little voice next to me tell me what I need to do in order to clean myself properly. "Mom don't forget to use shampoo." "Mom don't forget to use soap." " Mom don't make the water too hot or it will burn you." You get the picture. So i am going about my business with cleansing myself and all is going well. I wash with soap and rinse off then I go and grab the shampoo. I put some in my hair and wash thoroughly. As I am washing the shampoo out of my hair, I have my head tilted back and my eyes closed. I notice this bright light out of the corner of my eye. Now mind you my eyes are still closed. As this is happening my mind goes in to overdrive as to what is happening. Am I having an aneurysm, am I about to have a seizure. Oh my god what is happening? Then the horror hits me. TYLER HAS MY PHONE. I turn with this horrid look on my face and as the words OH MY GOD NO  start to come out of my mouth. He snaps a picture of me in the shower. Now this would not be so bad except I have a clear shower curtain and had no way of covering myself. I have to laugh at the simple mind of a child as he thinks "Hey lets take a picture of mom in t e shower." Then I have to wonder about the fact that is my son and I am sure there is a alternative motive behind this. All I can say is thank god it is my phone and the picture can be deleted.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Advice not asked for is advice not wanted.

Good Evening Everyone,

                        I will make this post short, and sweet. I hope I have a few people out there that can sympathize with me on this subject. I am completely fed up with family outside the home butting in to my life. They feel that I have to share everything with them. Then when they realize I am not telling them everything they hit the roof, or keep asking till I give them something to go on. I am so over the intrusion into my life. They only people that are allowed to give me advice not asked for is my husband, and my kids. Everyone else I am done with. I am so ready to pack up everything and move far away. An uncle of mine had that same idea long ago and I think I understand now why he did it. Anyways I just wanted to vent for a minute about this crap. Please feel free to comment below. I am asking for some advice this time. I must bid you adieu for now, my youngest child is having surgery tomorrow and I need sleep to make sure I can be strong for him. Till next time, Goodnight and Sweet Dreams.

Fall has come to GA

Well fall has finally come to Georgia. I find it funny that even though it is 42 degrees outside my children think they can still go to school in short and a tank top. I guess they get it from their father seeing as I have always hated the cold since I was a child. Oh and to top it off it is raining, and they both conveniently forgot their umbrella. I guess its not cool to carry one, but its also not cool to get pneumonia. I guess I will discuss the difference when they get home.  In other news, I am sitting in the house with a little one who is about to under go a tonsillectomy and adenoidal tomorrow. The hospital has told us that he can not do anything physically exerting or screaming for two weeks. Oh wait did  I mention that he is a two year old. I would very much like to see how they want me to keep a two year old calm and quiet.  I will update as we go along with this seemingly impossible task.