Thursday, November 4, 2010

Advice not asked for is advice not wanted.

Good Evening Everyone,

                        I will make this post short, and sweet. I hope I have a few people out there that can sympathize with me on this subject. I am completely fed up with family outside the home butting in to my life. They feel that I have to share everything with them. Then when they realize I am not telling them everything they hit the roof, or keep asking till I give them something to go on. I am so over the intrusion into my life. They only people that are allowed to give me advice not asked for is my husband, and my kids. Everyone else I am done with. I am so ready to pack up everything and move far away. An uncle of mine had that same idea long ago and I think I understand now why he did it. Anyways I just wanted to vent for a minute about this crap. Please feel free to comment below. I am asking for some advice this time. I must bid you adieu for now, my youngest child is having surgery tomorrow and I need sleep to make sure I can be strong for him. Till next time, Goodnight and Sweet Dreams.

Fall has come to GA

Well fall has finally come to Georgia. I find it funny that even though it is 42 degrees outside my children think they can still go to school in short and a tank top. I guess they get it from their father seeing as I have always hated the cold since I was a child. Oh and to top it off it is raining, and they both conveniently forgot their umbrella. I guess its not cool to carry one, but its also not cool to get pneumonia. I guess I will discuss the difference when they get home.  In other news, I am sitting in the house with a little one who is about to under go a tonsillectomy and adenoidal tomorrow. The hospital has told us that he can not do anything physically exerting or screaming for two weeks. Oh wait did  I mention that he is a two year old. I would very much like to see how they want me to keep a two year old calm and quiet.  I will update as we go along with this seemingly impossible task.